Waking up Snorlax

February 18, 2013 Leave a comment

I am a Snorlax.

I’ve been one for a long time now, and it’s the main reason why I haven’t updated this blog in almost 8 months.  I’ve been in a rut that’s left me lazy and unmotivated to write anything for the longest time, but it’s about time I snap out of it and get back into the swing of things.

This pretty much sums me up over the last 8 months.

So this blog post serves as my Poke Flute, it’s what I hope will wake me up from out of this rut and get me back to doing something that I really loved doing.

I don’t really have a plan for how often I will update, but I can guarantee that it won’t be another 8 months before I post something new.  I also don’t plan on continuing with Doodle A Day, as doing that for so long is what kind of burnt me out on this blog in the first place.  I might still do a doodle now and than but it’s not going to be a daily feature anymore.

So for those of you who followed my ramblings in the past I apologize for my long absence, and hope you’ll stick around with me a bit longer. So with that out of the way.

It’s time to wake up!

Doodle A Day: Day 120 Journey

Was feeling lazy today so I almost didn’t do a doodle, but I got a sudden urge to draw the cloaked figure from Journey so here it is.

Doodle A Day: Day 119 Akuma

Not really all that happy with how Akuma turned out, he looked a lot better when I was sketching him out.  I was trying to give him some sort of menacing grin but it didn’t really look good so I just gave him an angry pout.

Doodle A Day: Day 118 Balrog

What is widely known by video game scholars as The Great Name Change of 91 all happened due to this guy.

Balrog was originally named M. Bison (Mike Bison) in Japan and was modeled after former heavy weight champ Mike Tyson.  This was all fine and dandy in Japan but when it came time to localize the game for North America, Capcom was afraid the Tyson might sue them over a character that resembles him and has a similar sounding name.

So to avoid a nasty legal issue a quick name change was given.  So the boxer formally known as M. Bison became Balrog, the masked enthusiast known as Balrog became Vega, and the big boss man known as Vega became M. Bison.

Or if the video Balrog: Behind the Glory is to belived Barlog won the name in a poker game.

Doodle A Day: Day 117 Ken

Whose better? Ken or Ryu?  A question that has been around since the two first made their debut.  Me personally I’ve always liked Ken more, his carefree attitude has always been more appealing to me as a character than Ryu’s more serious nature.

Also his Shinryuken is pretty awesome!

Doodle A Day: Day 116 Dhalsim

I tried modeling Dhalsim after Kermit the Frog when he’s waving his arms in the air and going YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

Doodle A Day: Day 115 Vega

Vega (or Barlog depending where your from) has always been an oddity to me within the Street Fighter Universe.  The Street Fighter tournaments have always been about finding the best fighters from around the world.  The majority of the fighters are fighting with their bare fists and feet, and despite the odd fireball or so all the techniques are gained through training.

So I’ve always had issue with Vega being aloud to use a claw blade which just seems like cheating.  I know Vega is a villian but this is a regulated tournament with referees and rules someone should be red carding Vega as soon as he steps into the ring.

Doodle A Day: Day 114 Sagat

I remember Sagat being a huge pain in the ass to fight in Street Fighter 2, all he would do is spam his low and high fireball moves over and over again from the far side of the screen.  So in order to fight him you would have to inch towards him ever so slowly while dodging all these fireballs and it could get very frustrating because getting hit by them would push you back a bit.

Doodle A Day: Day 113 Chun-Li

Not gonna lie, as a kid I had a huge crush on Chun-Li.  She’s the first lady of gaming and of my heart.

Doodle A Day: Day 112 E. Honda

Well it would seem playing Pokemon Blue has finally influenced one of my doodles, as I decided to model E. Honda after Snorlax.  I really like my Street Fighter/Pokemon mash-up so my question for you is, Street Fighter X Pokemon anyone?